October 5, 2022

Join us at the AiiA Festival for an Audio-Walk Through Geneva!

Edgelands Team

An audio walk developed by the Think & Do Tank Dezentrum, based on the diagnostic report on Geneva by Edgelands Institute.

Are you afraid of the Internet? An audio-walk through Geneva

Image by Edgelands Institute

Are you afraid of the Internet? An audio-walk through Geneva

Friday 14, October 2022.

AiiA Festival, Genève, Théatre de Saint Gervais

Digital technologies are changing everything: The way we stay in contact with friends, search and find information, manage our lives and the way we work – the internet has become a basic infrastructure, interwoven into our everyday lives.

Do you think this change is too quick? Does it scare you? Are you afraid of the Internet?

Join us on an audio-walk through Geneva in search for answers!

During 45 minutes we’ll visit five different locations, where a narrator addresses different aspects of digital (in)security.

Bring your smartphone and headphones!

We will have two walks on October 14:

If you're curious about the topic on the same day, we also invite you to join us at 18:45 for a conversation with Edgelands and Dezentrum at the AiiA Festival. Come by and learn more about digital surveillance in Geneva (subscription to the ticketing for October 14th required).

Edgelands Institute and Dezentrum

How is digital surveillance transforming the city of Geneva? The Edgelands Institute has published a diagnostic report. The three main findings are i) the issue of security & safety is reserved to exclusive expert circles, ii) the digitalization of society is happening rapidly & the public discussion about it is lacking and iii) private companies play a prominent role in the digitalization of urban life.

In collaboration with the Edgelands Institute, Dezentrum designed an audio-walk to make the report's findings more tangible. Get to know the findings and the city of Geneva and participate in the audio-walk.