I asked a trending AI chatbot to come up with a text that would summarize the issures explored by the Edgelands Institute in terms of digitalization of security and its impact on living together in an urbanized world.
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash
A few days ago, I asked chatGPT (a trending AI chatbot that can answer questions and write essays in an eerily convincing way) to come up with a text that would summarize the issues explored by the Edgelands Institute in terms of digitalization of security and its impact on living together in an urbanized world.
Here is what was produced almost instantly by ChatGPT:
"The digitalization of security is a topic of great importance in our modern societies. With the increase in crime and terrorist threats, many cities are using surveillance cameras and facial recognition software to protect their citizens and ensure peace and tranquility in urban environments.
These tools can be very useful in preventing crime and helping law enforcement solve crimes. For example, surveillance cameras can record images that can be used as evidence in criminal investigations, while facial recognition software can help identify suspects and locate missing persons.
However, these tools also pose risks to privacy and human rights. Indeed, the constant surveillance of citizens can lead to a feeling of insecurity and mistrust, which can have a negative impact on the social contract. Moreover, there is a risk that these tools will be used in a discriminatory or abusive way, which can threaten individual liberties.
Furthermore, the digitalization of security can also lead to problems of digital insecurity. Surveillance and facial recognition systems can be hacked by criminals looking to steal sensitive data or disrupt the operation of systems. This can have serious consequences for the security of citizens and the stability of societies.
To avoid these risks, it is important that governments and companies responsible for digital security adopt measures to protect privacy and human rights. This can include strict laws on the collection and use of personal data, as well as monitoring and oversight mechanisms to ensure that digitization of security tools are used in a responsible and ethical manner.
In sum, the digitalization of security can be a valuable tool to protect citizens and urban communities from criminal and terrorist threats. However, it is important to ensure that these tools are used fairly and with respect for human rights in order to maintain peace and cooperation in our societies."
Everyone will judge the ‘intelligence’ of this text, but we must recognize that we are on the threshold of a colossal upheaval in the relationship between man and machine. With colossal ethical stakes.
Original LinkedIn post in French